Friday, September 5, 2014

School all year is a new issue because many states are finding it to be a good idea. Many states like Nevada are going to school year round because they are seeing that students are not forgetting what they learned as quick when going year round as they did having such a big summer. School all year round gets 6 weeks of vacation and that's it. Kids not forgetting what they learned during the school year is a pro but the con of this is that paying school taxes will probably go up or we will be paying more in taxes. The school all year round program offers the same amount of days as the regular school year of 180 days. Some cons are that students can’t take summer jobs and it is hard to manage because of sports schedules. A duke university study was conducted and they found that student in year round school have a slight advantage.

School all year long
10.5.2009_Year-Round_School.gif The 180 days was created for the purpose that the students could be home to help parents harvest crops. Obama feels school days should be longer. If we did this students that have family depending on them working the evening hours will be in trouble because if the school days are longer they won’t be able to work like they can now. If schools go all year round it will help students to have more help with things they need help with. If schools go all year round it could cause a higher dropout rate because students already don’t want to be in school half the time. If schools went all year round it would give kids more of a reason to skip school which they already do but it’s not as bad as what it could be.  All year round school can cause a problem finding appropriate child care. The one kid says that the sister and he were latchkey kids because it is hard to find a babysitter for two weeks every 6 weeks. School all year round has many problems but it also has many good qualities at the same time. Many people are finding more ways to make it a good thing but at the same time there are many other people who disagree with the people that agree to school all year round. In my opinion I would prefer not to go to school year round because I like other students work a summer job and during the summer I get more hours than I do during the school year and I also don’t like going to school all the time so I wouldn't like it all year round. This could cause students to stop coming to school because they need to work to support there family’s. I don’t want school year round for me or my children I think it was one of the worst things they came up with its bad enough the food in schools are horrible don’t make  the kids suffer any more than what they already are.
School all year round is good because shorter breaks means students are more likely not to forget what they learned. if school all year round they could do remediation would be able to be done in school instead of over the summer. with school all year round vacation can be distributed evenly through out the year.