Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Global Health

Influenza Vs pneumonia

Learning objective: Students will learn which is worse on a patient influenza or pneumonia?
What ages of patient that are effected and how are they affected by the two?
How can we prevent the spread of influenza and pneumonia from becoming and epidemic?
How are influenza and pneumonia treated to prevent spreading to others?

Background summary: The influenza is a highly contagious virus. It is spread by sneezing or coughing into the air and others breathe it in.  Pneumonia is worse than influenza because it causes the air sacs to fill with puss and fluids that will block the oxygen to reach the blood stream.

The influenza is found in children under the age of 5. Children under 2 are more prevalent and adults’ 65an older and pregnant or medical issues in women. The influenza is passed by coughing, sneezing or talking as the virus is expelled into the air. You will see below video on influenza below.

Pneumonia is found to affect elderly people, children with underdeveloped immune systems and underlying health issues such as COPD, diabetes and CVD. Pneumonia is a hidden agent that affects the body. There are 30 different kinds of agents such as bacteria and viruses. see video below on pneumonia.


prevention of the the influenza and pneumonia differ a good bit influenza you will find that doctors will only prescribe flu shot or the flu mist that is done in the nose. Pneumonia is by vaccine also flu vaccine is pushed due to close relationship of flu and pneumonia.

Treatment for influenza and pneumonia are similar but have many differences. The information here will tell you what you can use for treating each one. Influenza is treated pretty much only with Tamiflu and in forcing patient drinks fluids for hydration. It is a recommendation that Tamiflu can be used in children under one year of age. Children 2 weeks or older can receive Tamiflu with symptoms showing within 48 hours of getting sick. Pneumonia can be treated with antibotics such as Zpac Biaxin, erythromycin doxycycline, cephalosporin antibotics like cefaclor and Keflex.  Penicillians such as Augmentian, Timentin, and ampicillin.

Activity for students to do so they can learn more about pneumonia and influenza are attached 

during this lesson student should have been able to know the differents between influenza and pneumonia, how they affect people and how they are treated.
Students should be able to find the different terms and things associate to pneumonia and influenza.
A question for students to answer is
What age is Tamiflu recommend for and what is the time period allowed to receive it?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

good environmental news  

The environmental protection Agency has proposed a new regulation that would cut carbon dioxide emissions from the existing coal plants by 30 percent by 2030 which is compared to the 2005 levels. Under the draft rule the EPA lets states and utilities meet new standards by try different approaches such as changing coal into natural gases. They also could invest in natural resources. The rule represents the most significant steps that the federal government is taking to curb the nations greenhouse gas emissions.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Twinkies defense

The Twinkies defense is a derisive label for an improbable legal defense. A guy named Dan white who was a police officer who then dropped out of the police force to run for city supervisor who started this defense. The mayor George Moscone and Harvey Milk who was the first open guy city supervisor where not like by Dan White. The Twinkies defense is said to be because of Dan White’s depression he had been eating lots of Twinkies and because of that he went into a sugar buzz that caused him to not be able to control his actions. The trial was in 1979. At the trail a man named Martin Blinder who was a Psychiatrist testified that white was depressed. White in the past was a well cleaned cut man who was very health. White was previously a fitness fanatic and health food advocate but soon later started consuming large amounts of junk food and sugar laden soft drinks. The jurors found white incapable of the premeditation required for a murder conviction so instead the convicted white of voluntary manslaughter. Do to this verdict public protest over the verdict led to the white night riots.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Juvenile detention issues


Juvenile delinquency is a current issue because every day we have new and old juveniles going into juvenile detention centers for many different reasons. The following are different examples of these reasons. 10 percent had driven a car under the influence. 18 percent carried a weapon and 43 percent have drunk alcohol. 8 percent attempted suicide and 53 percent of high school students had engaged in sexual intercourse.


should juvenile records be sealed or expunged?

Juvenile records can be expunged or sealed. Should we let this happen? I saw we should give the juveniles another chance to make their lives right again and change their ways. The three things that cannot be aggravated murder, murder, and rape. The courts decide to seal the records depending on if the juvenile has satisfactorily rehabilitated which is determined by an investigation based on age nature of case. Sealing is gone to the point where only the juvenile court can see it and expunging is when it is permanently gone forever.




Friday, November 14, 2014

kinetic energy ramp

The electro-kinetic road ramp is important and new to technology. This ramp generates energy from harnessing the kinetic energy from the automobiles going cross it. The energy comes from the automobiles that use the ramps. This ramp will produce 30 KW of electricity. This was dismissed before because of the talk of kinetic energy plates. It was said to be a waste of energy but I feel that it would be a good idea to try it again because it could really work. The kinetic energy caused by the friction of the tires on the car and the speed the car is going is what causes the ramp to function. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Great Tri State Tornado was a tornado that hit in the US. This tornado hit March 18 1925. This is the most deadly tornado in history out of outbreak of at least 12 known of big tornado spread across a portion of land. The tornado went 151 to 235 miles crossed the land. the tornado  damaged nine towns and numerous small villages.  the track of the tornado was lost to 89 years of vegetation and development done by humans.

The tornado went through Illinois Missouri and Indiana. Parrish was destroyed by 90% the most deaths where in Murphysboro. 37 death and 100% destroyed in Gorham. Griffin was 100% destroyed along with Biehle. Annapolis was 90% destroyed. west Frankfort had 20% destroyed.


Friday, October 10, 2014


Tobacco is a big thing in globalization. Tobacco started in one little area and now it is all over the world. Tons of people do tobacco There are many forms of tobacco you can smoke it chew it and so on. Tobacco is grown in the ground. It could be thick thin or grounded it’s all up to you and how you like your tobacco. Tobacco started as rolled tobacco.
When Columbus found the Native American smoking rolled tobacco is when it happened. Europeans embraced tobacco before other common products like sugar chocolate coffee and tea. Tobacco was usually separated from other crops in reserved gardens. They used to believe that when tobacco smoke passed over the clay sculptures it would bring them to life. The consumption of tobacco was inspected to jump to 71 percent in 2000 and that by 2020 70 percent of the expected 8.4 million deaths in developing countries. tobacco kills millions of people constantly. there are many different places and people who market tobacco all over the world. at this link    http://www.tobaccoatlas.org/industry/tobacco_companies/market_share/  you can find a big map that shows the many different places in the world

